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How do I get notified when my order has arrived?

Unfortunately, there is no way for the customer to know at what exact time the order has arrived, nor what the order's current status is. When chosen for the delivery option, we will make sure your order arrives within 7 days. If for some reason your order hasn't arrived in those 7 days, or when an issue occurs delaying the delivery, we will let you know by sending you an E-mail. 

My order is wrong

When received the wrong order, you can contact us by sending an E-mail. We will make sure you get the right order in 7 days or less. When choosing delivery, we will come to pick up the wrong order and bring you the right one. When choosing pickup, we suggest you bring the wrong order with you and you can exchange it with the right one at the pickup point. In both cases, you won't be charged for the wrong order. If you already paid for it, you will get a refund.

When do items restock?

Very rarely we will be out of stock. We always make sure we have enough products, so you won't have to wait long until you get the item(s) you want. If you notice an item is out of stock, check the next day and it will probably be available again. you can always contact us if you desire further information about a specific product.